Thursday 25 October 2012


As human beings we always crave for perfection and spend our whole life in making things perfect, However we never achieve it. May be some folks, so be called perfect people, disagree with my thought. I really don't care since I am here to serve those folks who don't see themselves as a perfect one. First I want to set the context for you that why I had created this blog and what is the purpose behind it.
I still remember the day of my first presentation. I was kind of scared since I had never presented or shared anything to anyone. Being an introvert it is difficult to come out of the shell that we call our comfort zone. I always had a fear of being judged, and always thought people will laugh at me.
That is what our society does, they don't accept imperfect people. Whether it is sport, dance, singing or any kind of activity. They always want to see perfect people.
Even on my first presentation day my mind was also filled with these talk. My inner dialogues were talking louder than my own voice and I could see my inner child drowning in front of me.
Guess what happened? This imperfect man couldn't present his precious thoughts.
My confidence shattered on the floor. I was feeling so nervous and couldn't restrain the tears. I went directly to the restroom to explode my emotions. 
I couldn't resist my emotional outburst and cried like a child. 
Suddenly I heard a voice, an inner voice and I was completely dazed with this extraordinary experience. 
I don't know who it was,  I was so comforting and din't sound strange to me. 
Sooner I realized it was almighty God, our creator, who wanted to help me in my struggles. He asked me in a calm voice ," Son, why are you so sad? what is bothering you?". He continued, " Son, why are you wasting your time in looking for perfection. No one is perfect here, some people might be considering themselves as a perfect being, let them live in this fake illusion of perfection. They might me feeling great about being perfect, let them be. I feel really sad for your race and they way look at this world. I had never created anything imperfect. I am the perfect being and no can take my place. Name one thing that humans created and you consider it perfect. I hate their sadistic approach of defining perfection. I don't know why were you feeling so low in front of them. I gave them chance to question my creation. I have given you the eyes to recognize your own imperfection and struggles that makes you my real son. I won't ever judge you for anything what you don't have...because there is a reason for it. I want you to explore what you have. I love you for your imperfections, people might be looking at it as imperfection but they won't able to see the other side of you that makes you a perfect human being. Please don not keep this experience to only yourself , go out and help people who are having same struggles. Don't let anyone rule your soul, you are precious to me. I say what you want to say, you do what you want to do. This is my world, and I am the creator. I give you all rights to live and excel with what I have given to you. People might laugh at you and make you feel small. let them  be, use your eyes to see the imperfections and accept them as they are. If you love the light you have to love the darkness as well. There is nothing right and wrong , these are two different perceptive. 
I had blessed your universe with richness and prosperity , it was your race who had created the rich and poor. " 

On that day I had decided that I will talk about this experience every one who are having same struggles as me to bring awareness and wisdom.

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